Fill out the form below to get in touch about bookings, partnerships, and other inquiries. If this is a request for additional information about customized packages, please reference that in your message. Thank you!
Absolutely. I love speaking on podcasts or at events, and I'm happy to lend my voice as a guest expert on aligned topics that fall within my zone of genius.
are you available for speaking & interviews?
I've reinvented my business, and am no longer providing corporate services widely because it just doesn't bring me that much joy. I will make certain design offerings available to coaching clients on an individual, customized basis when it feels like the right fit energetically.
What happened to your web design + Resume services?
Great question! I use the Whole Sign house system. I find that it brings a higher level of clarity to my clients. In the Whole Sign house system, each house is the same size and there is more order within the chart.
Which house system do you use for astrology readings?
I'm located in Marlton, New Jersey but I have clients all over South Jersey and beyond! My services can all be performed and delivered virtually, so you can be anywhere in the US.
Where are you located + what areas do you serve?